Basic rules
Deck of 52 cards and 4 players.
1 Game = 7 Rounds
1 Round = 7 Hands
Twos are low, Aces high... with the exception of the two black seve7s.
The 7s (seven of spades) is the highest valued card in the game; followed by the 7c (seven of clubs).
You have to beat the highest card(s) in the hand by playing card(s) with same or higher point value. If you can't, then you have to lay your lowest card(s).
Players try to end up with the fewest points at the end of each round. It's about forcing the other players to play their lowest cards - making them end with high value cards. Simple to learn and auto-play action for when the choices are limited to something obvious.
The Points
Each card has a point value. All twos have the value of 2 points, all 3s have the value of 3 points, all 4s have 4 points etc... Jacks have the value of 11 points, Queens have the value of 12 points, Kings 13 points and Aces 14 points. With the exception of the two sevens, the game does not value one color (red vs. black) or one type (diamond, heart, spade, club) over others.
The exception cards in this point system are: 7s = 25 points and 7c = 21 points
The Objective
The objective of this game is to end up with the least amount of points possible after 7 rounds (one game). The player with the fewest points wins the game.
The Punishment
IF it’s the first game, THEN whoever has the highest number of points on the table has to shuffle and deal for the next Round.
IF it’s not the first game, THEN whoever lost the previous game has to shuffle and deal for the first few rounds in the current game - until someone breaks 21 points on the table and the player does not have the most points.
The Tiebreaker
Players may have the same amount of points on the table after rounds and games.
When determining who has to deal, the value of the last card received after last hand in the round dictates who deals. For example, two players are even with 27 points, the last card playerA had was five of clubs, but the last card playerB had was the king of hearts - so playerB has to deal. If the last cards in a hand were even, then the second to last dictates and so on...
When determining who gets to go first, the value of the last card received after last hand in the round dictates who goes first. For example, two players are even with 27 points, the last card playerA had was five of clubs, but the last card playerB had was the king of hearts - so playerA gets to go first. If the last cards in a hand were even, then the second to last dictates and so on...
For the Dealer
Dealer deals one card at a time until all players have seven cards.
IF it’s the first game, first round, THEN dealer gives the first card to the player on his left hand side, continuing in a clockwise circle. (For the digital version, the first player could be determined with a random function).
IF it’s not the first game, first round, THEN dealer starts dealing the player who won the last game played, continuing in a clockwise circle until all players have 7 cards.
IF former don’t apply, THEN dealer starts dealing the player who won the last round, continuing in a clockwise circle until all players have 7 cards.
For the Player
The player who is dealt first, starts the first hand of that particular round. If it's the very first game and first hand, then whoever showed initiative, shuffled the deck and dealt cards to start the game.
The one who starts each hand has the option to play one card, doubles, triples, or quadruples...thereby, playing more than one hand at once. The double, triples and quadruples only apply to identical cards. Ex:
Qc+Qh or
8s+8d+8h or
When a player starts by playing doubles, triples or quadruples, the person to her left must beat the cards individually - does not have to play doubles on doubles, for example.
When a player is unable to match or beat a hand, then that player must lay his/her lowest card.
Example Round of Play
Everyone is dealt 7 cards... If player1 plays 8d, then player2 has to play an eight or higher, player2 plays 10h; player3 has to beat that ten and play a ten or higher, player3 plays 10c; player4 has to beat one ten and plays Ks. After all four players have played, the hand is over and the cards played are pushed aside. He whoever won this particular hand, begins the next hand. Now the table is clear and player4 can play whatever card he pleases, but keep in mind that the objective is to end the last hand of this round with the lowest card possible.
Player4 plays Jd + Js; player1 has to beat both cards individually, player1 plays Qh + As; player2 has to beat the queen and ace individually, but cannot beat the ace and must therefore play her two lowest cards, player2 plays 2h + 4c; player3 has to beat the two highest cards in the hand, must still beat the queen and ace or lay his two lowest; player3 plays Kh + 7c and wins this hand.
All players have four cards on hand, player3 won the last hand and starts the next.
Player3 plays the 7s; since no one can beat this card the other three players must lay down their lowest cards and player3 goes again. Player4 plays 4h, player1 plays 2c, player2 plays 5h.
Player3 plays 6c + 6d and shows his last card, which is 8c; player4 has to beat two sixes and puts down his two highest cards (ending with the lowest card of the three on hand), player4 plays 10s + Ac and shows his last card, which is the 3d; player1 has to beat a ten and an ace, but cannot and must therefore lay down her two lowest cards, player1 plays 4d and 10d and reveals her last card, which is the Kd; the last player for this hand is player2, she had to lay her low when faced with a queen and ace earlier, again she must lay her low since she cannot beat the ace, player2 plays 9c + 9h and ends this round with Jc on hand.
For the remainder of this particular game, players must keep their last card face up. These cards do not go back into the deck until the game is over. After seven rounds, each player will have seven cards in front of them... these seven are added up to see who wins/loses the game.
After the first round:
Player1 = 13 points (keeping her Kd face up in front of her)
Player2 = 11 points (keeping her Jc face up in front of her)
Player3 = 8 points (keeping the 8c face up in front of him)
Player4 = 3 points (keeping the 3d face up in front of him)
Next round:
Player4 is dealt first and begins the first hand. He/she who has the highest amount of points total must deal the round.